More and more students are waking up to the importance of healthy eating. Even the students living in premier hostel accommodations, where food choices are aplenty, need to stick to healthy foods. Studies can be stressful and students need to be physically fit and mentally sharp and agile to meet the demands and pressure of their education. 
Keeping this in mind, here we present our pick of the top 5 foods that promise a healthier body and sharper brain.
Leafy Veggies
Not all students indeed savor green leafy veggies. But there are certain veggies like kale, collards, broccoli, and spinach which are loaded with nutrients like folate, beta-carotene, lutein, Vitamin K, etc. Research has shown that leafy veggies are rich in vitamins, and minerals and slow down cognitive decline. You should try to incorporate these leafy vegetables into your daily food to stay physically and mentally well-nourished.

Fatty Fish
Fatty fishes are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Healthy unsaturated fats in fatty fish are considered to lower blood pressure levels. Eating fish twice or even once a week can lead to a healthier body and brain. However, if you do not eat non-vegetarian foods, you can have flaxseeds, avocados, and walnuts instead. The meals at premium student hostels will have enough choices for Omega-3-rich food items. 
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are great sources of proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Taking them at regular intervals can help you regulate body weight. They can be kept handy and ready to pop a few into your mouth now and then. They can be used as healthy snacks and help regulate regular food intake so that you can burn energy efficiently. You will see many students keeping a stock of these nutritious foods in the hostelword.

Community living such as in a youth hostel allows you to spend a lot of time with your mates, for example, while watching a cricket match. How about berries to go with such time spent with others at your hostel accommodation? They are rich in flavonoids and research has shown that they can improve memory to a great extent and can prevent memory loss also. There are different types of colorful berries, like blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries, mulberries, etc. You can take your pick. 
Dark Chocolates
Do students like chocolates? A lot! Visit the best hostel in India and ask the students. There is nothing new about students keeping dark chocolates in their hostel rooms. They are rich in antioxidants and particularly flavonoids. Studies have shown that dark chocolates improve blood circulation, bring down blood pressure levels, boost cognitive abilities, and stimulate functions of the brain. It is one of the top foods for the brain and body.

In long and short, the hostelworld is different. Youths living in on-campus housing are naturally more concerned about their studies and careers. No wonder why they love to have foods that can make minds sharper and bodies healthier. 

These 5 food items we discussed in this blog would keep them stay in the pink of their health and help develop a sharp and alert mind.