Your life as a college student is going to be a new experience where you will meet new situations and challenges at every step. You may not know what the day holds for you or what should you be prepared for. If you are living in a on-campus housing, many of your worries will be taken care of. For example, you can expect the bathroom to have hot water for a quick morning bath.

Similarly, the hostel canteen will have some freshly-cooked snacks, teas and coffees. These basic things ensure your day starts on a surer note and you are able to navigate your busy college schedule with confidence. However, you can derive much more from your day in the hostel world if you know what can give a great start to your day.

Here, we are going to discuss 5 simple daily morning rituals in a student housingthat can power up your day and also keep you balanced and grounded.

Get Up Early

What’s the right time to leave your bed in the morning in your hostel room? You can decide it for yourself but remember if you wake up before the sunrise, you can catch the freshness and serenity of a morning. But to get up early, you must go to the bed early the previous night. Also, you should allow yourself a minimum 7-hour night time sleep to feel stress-free and fresh. Even if you can’t sleep early and wake up early in your student housing, make sure you have had enough sleep and your body and mind is feeling relaxed.

Me-Time Before Mobile Phone

Most of us reach out to our mobile phones the moment we open our eyes in the morning. Students in hostel accommodations are no exception to this! But let’s try this: avoid checking WahtsApp, emails, Facebook, and Insta for as long as you can resist the temptation. Let’s give yourself some me-time. Before community living catches up with you, give yourself some quiet moments preparing for the day.

Mindful Mornings with Exercise

When you’re living in the best hostel in India, you can expect open spaces, walking ramps, a gym or work-out space. After you’ve freshened up, take a walk, do some yoga or exercises, drink some water, and eat a few fruits. These are mindful ways to strengthen your core and make it ready for the day that lies ahead. You can join your hostel mates and enjoy the morning in some quick collaborative efforts such as cleaning your hostel room or a group exercise that you’ve learnt on YouTube.

To-Do List

As a college student living away from your home and family, you have a lot on your hands. From buying books and stationaries to eating your breakfast, lunch and dinner on time day in and day out is something a lot for a young adult living in an on-campus housing. However, you can make it easy by making a to-do list every night before you go to bed and getting back to it around your breakfast time. Procrastination is a big obstacle in your way to success. On the reverse, even a few small but urgent things done every day can always keep you ahead in life.

Beware of Disruptions

No matter how well you prepare, some or other things can always go wrong. When you dress up for the college and polish your shoes to go out, remember this and make yourself mentally ready to navigate all that comes your way with tact and smile. Don’t let a disruption throw you off track. Keep the objective of your stay at the student hostel always in sight. You are here to study, learn and work towards a career. Don’t indulge in political talks, arguments, or fun-making beyond a safe point. Always return to what is important for you. It’s your study and education. Stay focused there!

Take Away

Your time in an on-campus student living facility is an opportunity to study and make your career in a protected and comfortable environment. However, if you don’t remain focused on your priorities, you might lose sight of them. It might impact your productivity as a college student negatively. By integrating the 5 morning habits mentioned above, you can shield your day from disruptions, keeping you awake to your priorities and focused on them. Over time, this can become an indispensable part of your morning life. That could be a big reward of living in a hostel accommodation.