Hostel World is full of fun and experiential learning. It’s a unique environment where most inmates are of the same age group. Within the youth hostel, you have seniors whom you look up to for guidance and support. And, you also have juniors who look up to you for mentorship.

In student hostels, all of you are of the same age group. Your sensibilities and concerns are similar. For example, all of you think and be worried about your future. Will you qualify for the interview you are preparing for or will you land the job you have been working for all these years? Is there something that can tilt the balance in your favour?

Importance of Hostel Alumni Networks
At this stage, you start realising the importance of student housing alumni networks that not only help you on these topics through regular contacts and interactions but they stay with you as a source of help and support throughout your professional life.

Alumni and hostel networks are the first formal networking opportunity. As you pass schools and reach college and university, you become part of several alumni networks – school alumni networks, college/university alumni networks, and on-campus housing alumni networks. If you know the importance of these alumni networks, you will cultivate your position in these networks.

Now, alumni networks exist online, with all its advantages such as virtual programs, virtual meetings, virtual training, virtual mentoring, and more.

Given this, it’s worth taking seriously. You should start nurturing your alumni networks early, right from your days in the student accommodation. Here are a few advantages of hostel alumni networks:

A hostel alumni network helps you with mentorship programs. Under this, experienced former students visit the hostel and share their insights and guidance as part of community living. It could be about higher education avenues, study abroad, visas, career choices, the job market, and other topics. At your age and stage, these mentors look like coming from heaven with so much knowledge and enlightenment.

Career Advancement
Students pursuing professional courses need guidance and insights about their industries. Former hostel students who are now part of the professional world can help hostel students with industry insights and trend updates. The advantage of the hostel alumni network is that former hostel students have a stronger bond with the hostel and its inmates. It means they can work more closely with the inmates in the same student living facility in which they have lived previously to advance their careers.

Access to Industry
Former hostel students who have grown to senior positions may need to recruit freshers at some point. Staying connected with these networks helps you to know about these opportunities. During mentoring programs, alumni workshops, and seminars, senior alumni members can identify your qualities and talents. It means you can access to your industry and potential jobs while still in your hostel room.

Entrepreneurial Guidance
A strong student hostel alumni network can be of great help if you are taking on entrepreneurship. In the usual course, alumni networks organise pitching events and provide access to funding avenues. Some alumni members may help you by way of mentorship and others may connect you with angel investors and venture capitalists. Throughout your startup journey, your hostel alumni network can help you in many ways.

Take Away
From school to university, you become part of several alumni networks. One of them is your hostel accommodation alumni network, which can be relatively small but close-knit. When you live in the best hostel in India, a dynamic hostel alumni network is one of its advantages. It can prove to be highly supportive. We have discussed some of how the hostel alumni network can help you. However, you can discover new ways in which it can help you with your unique needs and circumstances.