Living away from your home and family can be fun if you land with the right partner in the student hostel. But if your partner does not cooperate, picks unnecessary fights, and leaves the burden of essential chores on you, it can leave you bitter. In such situations, you need not sulk in silence and curse your luck. You should bring the problem to the notice of hostel management and find another room or another partner. 

Here is how you would know if you are living with the right partner at the hostel accommodation or if you need to find another. 

Ask Questions
Before you move in to live with a room partner at your hostel accommodation, you should ask certain questions to have an idea about their personalities. Try to ask questions like what time they get up and go to sleep, and if they help their parents at managing chores. A discussion will help you gauge the nature of your would-be partner. Also, make it clear that cleaning the room, cooking, laundry, shopping, etc. are the duties that have to be done with cooperation, and see what your partner says. 

Hang Out for a Day
One of the greatest ways to judge a person is to take him/her out. You can go out together and see whether the person is reluctant or willing to pay the bills. Also, you can make out whether the person splits the expenses or bear them in full, or would not pay at all! Visit a restaurant, watch movies, and have fun then see how much your would-be partner is willing to spend. Having fun together will also help you forge a bond with the new person before you start to live together in a hostel room. 

Ask for Help
Judge your partner by asking for help sometimes. See what the person has to say. Is he/she being generous or just lying? You can show your partner urgency and then see what course of action he/she follows. Also, see whether your roommate is being cooperative while you study, talk with your family, or go out. Ask him/her to do something when you go out and see whether it has been done when you come back. 

Lend Your Support 
People who are loyal and good at heart always think of returning the favor. You can know the nature of your roommate by lending some help now and then and see the behavior you get back. Do you have to ask repeatedly for the money you lent or he/she is generous enough to give it on time? Similarly, offer your room partner support to see what type of gratitude is returned to you. 

Knowing beforehand that your room partner at the student hostel is someone with whom you can hit it off can be just the thing you need to start as you start to live away from your family. However, you may find a problematic room partner even in the best hostel in India. Given this, you must know your would-be roommate and his behavior and personality traits. This post should help you with knowing your room partner before you start living with him/her.