Living in a hostel is an experience of its kind. The hostel world is the foundation of your future life. As you start living in student housing as a fresher, what safety hazards do you anticipate in your student accommodation, and how do you plan to deal with them?

We’ve compiled a list of common hazards you might encounter, along with some tips on how to handle them

Follow the Hostel Guidelines
However, the first step in this direction should be to read the hostel manual and follow the instructions. While some of the concerns and cautions mentioned in the hostel guidelines may appear trivial don’t ignore them. Living in a youth hostel can be a great opportunity to build self-discipline and a sense of responsibility for following rules, which are valuable skills for life. It pays to follow the rules. At times, they may appear troublesome and avoidable. But putting your trust in rules can be the best thing in this world full of uncertainties.

Now, let’s discuss some safety hazards you should be aware of, and be prepared to deal with in your hostel accommodation.

Fire Breakouts
One of the fire safety measures that you should be aware of is the fire safety exit. It’s an adjunct staircase for people to safely exit from the building.

Another visible fire-safety measure in your hostel room would be a fire alarm system. When it detects smoke, it triggers a fire alarm. While you should never ignore any such alarm, you should also never trigger the alarm for fun.

Don’t set a fire in your on-campus housing, no matter how small you intend it to be. Fires are infamous for spreading quickly and from nowhere.

Using appliances that draw a lot of electricity from an electrical outlet not meant for such a heavy load may cause blow-ups, a potential fire hazard.

Slips and Falls
Slippery surfaces, muddy patches, wet bathrooms, and footwear with worn-out soles are some common culprits for slips and falls. A bad fall can cause sprains or broken bones, leaving you bedridden from a few days to a few months. Medical expenses, lost studies, and boredom are a few direct effects of this. Avoid rushing to or out of the bathrooms or running on the stairs to save a few seconds.

Alcohol and Drugs
First of all, check your student hostel guidelines on student intoxication. Say no to illegal drugs in all cases as they pose serious safety risks. Excessive drinking can lead to risky behaviours and accidents.

Making Wise Connections

As you meet many new people in your college and student living facility, it’s natural for some acquaintances to develop into friendships. However, take time to know people before you make them friends. After being nice, some people can get irritated or angry for small reasons. Also, with friendships comes obligations and you might not be adept at handling them. In the initial days of hostel life, it’s better to keep to yourself and assess people before you start trusting them.

Take Away
As a student, living in a hostel is an opportunity to develop life skills. One of these life skills is identifying safety hazards and finding ways to avoid them. If you live in S’Residences, one of the best hostels in India, you will be given a hostel manual with do’s and don’ts. Following these instructions is crucial as they are meant to safeguard you against potential safety hazards. Additionally, you should identify risky activities and situations and avoid them as far as possible.